Tuesday 29 October 2013

Write a reading list for people who enjoyed the novel with other novels they may enjoy. Explain each choice.

For people who enjoyed the book Parvana, there are many other books by Deborah Ellis in that series that they would enjoy. Some of these books include The Breadwinner, Parvana's Journey, Mud City and My Name Is Parvana. In Parvana's Journey Parvana’s father just died, and Parvana is putting the last hand full of dirt on this grave. Parvana is in search of the mother and sister. Parvana passes by villages, and stops in a abandoned hose with a baby crying, and his mother is lying on the ground beside him. Parvana decides to take care of the baby, and she also decides to name him Hassan. Parvana decides to take care of baby Hassan in a abandoned cave. Parvana hears a loud voice going from the cave saying “go away”! Parvana wanted to face her fears and stayed calm. When Parvana look harder she sees a bay, named Asif. Asif tries to act like he is the best, but he is good at taking care of baby Hassan. Parvana, Hassan, and Asif take each other as brothers and sisters, even though Asif tries to act like he is the best. One day while sitting across the mine field, beside green valley, a girl named Leila approached them, and requested to take all of then to her house. Parvana, Asif, and baby Hassan stayed with Leila, and her grandmother who hardly moved finger. One day a mine field exploded and left behind a carcass. Everyone enjoyed it for dinner that night, even grandmother. Also that night The Taliban were attacking, and a bomb dropped on grandmother.

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