Sunday 20 October 2013

In which country is your novel set? List the different settings for your novel and write a brief report about each one. Include a map and record where key events take place.

The book Parvana by Deborah Ellis is set in Kabul, Afghanistan. Most of the book is set in Parvana's house and the marketplace, but their are also scenes in the prison their father was kept in, Mazar and on the streets of Kabul. Most of the key scenes happen in Parvana's house, including when the Taliban took Parvana's father away and when Parvana transformed into a boy. Their house is where all their family comes together, and where although troubles do occur, they stick together and always work things out. The marketplace is also a big part in the book, as this is where Parvana spends most of her days trying to make money for the family. She cut her hair and dressed up as a boy, and sold cigarettes, bones she had dug up and other things she had found. She also read letters for people. During the book, their father got taken to prison by the Taliban, and there is a brief scene in the prison, where Parvana and her mother are trying to let him free. Although the book doesn't tell us much about it, Mazar is also another place that was mentioned in the book. This is where Nooria went to get married. Ali, Maryam and their mother also came along, while Parvana and Mrs Weera stayed at home.

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